Fraud Warning

At Pedison, we are committed to the security of your financial information. However, you must also take every step to ensure the safety and privacy of your information. To help educate you on certain types of frauds such as identity theft, online fraud and scams, we’ve listed some examples of fraudulent attempts using Pedison’s name and reputation. We’ve also detailed some of the major threats on the Internet today, as well as ways to take action to both prevent and manage these issues if they occur.

Prior Fraud Attempts Using Pedison’s Name and Reputation

There have been attempts at maligning the name and reputation of Pedison through fraudulent means. Everyone should be wary of the repetition of such attempts.

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Fraud on the Rise

You must be wary of such frauds also as regulatory and government agencies are warning about a continued and significant increase in BEC scams. Fraudsters have tried to steal billions of dollars from businesses, posing as company executives and ordering huge wire transfers.

Online Fraud

Phishing" or "spoofing," the most current methods of online fraud are fake e-mails, websites and/or pop-up windows. All should be aware of such attempts. Pedison will never require customers to send personal information via e-mail or pop-up windows or send an unsolicited request for personal information through e-mail.

Fake e-mails will often:

  • Ask you for personal information
  • Appear to be from a legitimate source
  • Contain fraudulent job offers
  • Contain prizes or gift certificate offer
  • Contains inheritance or bank account deposits claim
  • Link to counterfeit websites
  • Link to real websites
  • Contain fraudulent phone numbers
  • Contain real phone numbers

Identity Theft

Identity theft can be prevented by NOT leaving your account information where others can see or have access to it; or use easy-to-guess passwords such as first names, pet names,birth dates, addresses, phone numbers or Social Security numbers, etc.


Pedison advises against all types of scams including Lottery Scams, Gift Card Scams, Romance Scams or Work from Home Scams.

Where Can You Get Further Information?

Scams and frauds are ever-increasing phenomena. There are more than what are listed above. Reasonable precaution should be taken against scams and frauds to be on the safer side.

For more information, including how to check your credit report (for free) once per year, you can visit the US Federal Trade Commission website: fraud at Pedison. For further information and practical tips from the federal government, to help protect you from Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information, please visit and

To notify us of online fraud, identity theft or a scam involving Pedison or your Pedison account, please call the Pedison Corporate Investigations Group, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.— 9:00 p.m. (CST) at +1 (888) 623-0430 or e-mail us at Please include your name, e-mail address, telephone number and a detailed description.
